Thursday, June 20, 2013

Crush Cake 

Sarah's best friend "Brooke", who lives in Arizona, comes and stays with us for a couple of months each summer, so they can re-connect.  With Sarah being an only child now that both of her brothers are married, it gives her someone to relate to besides her aging parents. It's a win/win situation for everyone.

Yesterday was Brooke's Birthday and Sarah asked if I would make a birthday cake for Brooke.  I told her that with work and school, it would just have to be a simple cake, as I didn't have time to do anything else.

Apparently I'm not able to just do a simple . . . so putting school on hold for a couple days I decided to make a "Crush" Cake

I think it turned out really well, and almost looks like him... it was a lot of fun to make, and Brooke loved it.

Cake is the main body, and roughed in extremities are done in rice crispie treats (For the cake I used a 12 inch round for the base and then a 9 inch on top of that, trimmed and carved into the shell dome shape.)

Roughed in Cake

For the coloring on his Shell and flippers I used gel Food coloring that was watered down and a paintbrush


Mike said...

I'm always very impressed with the cakes that you make. This one is fantastic.

Mirm said...

o, rich. I made that same cake during my lunch break today. You need to come up with something better than that

Rich In Herriman said...

I'll try to be a little more original in the future